

The idea behind our work is to develop turnkey engineering systems. We operate in a competitive and demanding market, characterized by a rapid and non-stop evolution of tools and technologies. In this context, the customer’s satisfaction is a challenge we must meet, and this is the reason for the continuous improvement of our performance and our growth.

High profile collaborations have played a key role in the Company’s development, placing us at the top of our industry field.

DACA-I responds to the demands of its customers and partners with relying on advanced equipment and the support of over 50 qualified resources in key sectors of mechanical engineering: CAD/CAE, NVH testing, both motor and vehicle, Testing and Development SW.


  • Collaborations with the major University Research departments and Technological Centers
  • Advanced tools for a more integrated development process.
  • Training of engineers and scientists with high-profiles and defined know-how.
  • Providing more and more quality, maintaining a high level of competitiveness on the market.
  • Respond to the changing demands of customers in order to consolidate ourselves in the market of suppliers.

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